Engine Replacement

With average car purchase/transaction prices now above $20,000 for the typical midsize family sedan, keeping an older car running for as long as possible becomes more and more attractive. It’s even more true today, since the cars of the recent past are so well built. It’s not uncommon to get 150,000 miles out of a car and the body will last almost forever, thanks to the superb corrosion protection methods adopted by most automakers. During the life of the vehicle, sometimes the engine needs to be replaced or rebuilt. At Complete Car Care Encinitas, we can handle both of these services.
The best way to find out which option is better suited for your particular situation is to ask our service advisors. This way you get very specific and custom answers for you. These are some things to keep in mind: Rebuilt engines are not all alike. The issue with a rebuilt engine is that experience, quality parts, and expert installation are essential to give you an engine you can depend on for many, many years. We can help you with a quality rebuilt engine that will provide you with a longer warranty, better quality, and more peace of mind.
New or used replacement engines are also an alternative that you may explore too. The new engine option is often more expensive than a rebuilt one, but it is the genuine engine replacement from the manufacturer. We can price this out for you and give you many options to make sure you make the best decision for your particular situation. Wether your choice is rebuilt or factory new, rest assured that you will get the best service from our technicians, and the best attention from our front desk.