Starter & Alternator Services
Get a jump on your car's start.

Very often, electrical problems start and end with the vehicle’s battery. Don’t let a dead car battery strand you on the side of the road. Warning signs that may indicate your battery is dead or about to die:
Slow engine crank: When you attempt to start the vehicle, the cranking of the engine is sluggish and takes longer than normal to start.
Check engine light on: The check engine light sometimes appears when your battery power is weak.
Low battery fluid level: Car batteries typically have a part of the casing that’s translucent so you can always keep an eye on your battery’s fluid level. If the fluid level is below the lead plates inside, it’s time to have the battery and charging system tested.
A swelling, bloating battery case: Excessive heat in the engine compartment causes your battery case to swell, decreasing battery life.
Battery leak: Leaking also causes corrosion around the connecting posts. The gunk may need to be removed; otherwise, your car may not start.
Old age: Your battery can last well beyond three years but, at the very least, have its current condition inspected on a yearly basis when it reaches the three year mark. If you are experiencing electrical problems or your battery is towards the end of its lifecycle, give us a call or make an appointment.
Areas covered by our starter and alternator services include:
- Battery Diagnosis & Service
- Burn Damage Repairs
- Alternator Replacement
- Drive Belt Replacement
- Starter Assemblies, Switches, & Cables
- Battery
- Alternator