Posted on 9/25/2019
Why are seatbelts in cars in the first place? Well, driving a vehicle is risky and can be dangerous at times. Think about it - on a highway, you're traveling at speeds of around 50-70 miles per hour. Getting into an accident at that speed can be catastophic, and a seatbelt can literally save your life. Let's put it this way: hitting a wall at a speed of 50 miles per hour is like falling from the balcony of a 5th story floor. Now imagine falling from that 5th story building with a parachute - this is kind of like getting into an accident but having your seatbelt on. Seatbelts were created as a safety measure for vehicles because hitting another car or object at certain speeds can actually eject passengers from the vehicle. A seatbelt not only prevents you from being ejected, but it can help keep your from hitting your head on the roof of the vehicle and protects you in instances of your vehicle rolling or going upside down. Not wearing your seatbelt puts you in grave dang ... read more